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History of the Schützenzug

Birkeshöh maschiert

from 1971 - 2010

The first thoughts about founding the Schützenzug in Meinerzhagen came in November 1971.

At this point in time, the reigning King Peter Holthaus moved his residence to Birkeshöh. There were soon enough shooting fans in the neighborhood who were just as positively crazy about the shooting thing as the king at the time. After some difficulties and a lot of persuasion by the founding activists at the then chairman of the
Schützengesellschaft Erich Jäger, the time had finally come on July 11, 1972.

The inaugural meeting of the Birkeshöh rifle squad was convened. Kurt Schnell became the first chairman of the Schützenzug in the clubhouse at the time
"House Kamplade" selected. The annual fee of 3.00 DM at that time was increased over time and with the changeover to the euro
  6,-€ changed annually.

In the following general meeting on July 25, 1972, Kurt Schnell explained again
Sense and purpose of the shooting activities:

Activating the neighborhood on the Birkeshöhe
Integration of the newcomers and
Society support in retention
and continuation of tradition and
Preservation of the rifle club in Meinerzhagen.

This should and is still supported and continued by the board of directors.
In 1974, the Schützenfest was announced again. Also this year the king of the Birkeshöh came with Klaus Waschk. It was to be the last regent of Birkeshoeh for a long time.
It was only in the year 2000 that Dieter Fischer again got a shooter from our ranks the bird from the holder.
In the list of princes, the Birkeshöh is represented a little more frequently.
Andreas Löper, Michael Fricke, Carsten Koczwara, Dennis Berndt and Fabiano Pepe were the most successful young shooters from our platoon.
The first ten years were characterized by rifle festivals and carnival celebrations organized by the board.
On May 4, 1984, a fundamentally different picture emerged on the board of the Schützenzug.
The younger generation should now take responsibility.
With Peter Holthaus, a new chairman was elected and also in
  There were changes in other positions on the Management Board. As a result, the age structure changed radically.

The first official street festival was celebrated on August 3rd and 4th, 1985 as the first official act.
This was later renamed the summer festival and has so far been a highlight in our city's calendar of events in the open years. The first festivals were celebrated on Mühlenbergstrasse, but since the summer festival became more and more popular, it was later moved to the music school square.
In 1992 and 1997 it was the 20th and 25 year anniversary to celebrate.
At the 25th anniversary, two full days were spent with a marquee and a
Professional band from the Palatinate (HOBO) celebrated.
Our neighborhood party, which takes place every Friday evening before the Schützenfest, is also popular
  takes place. Until 2004 this was held on Mühlenbergstrasse. Then on the square of the music school. The neighborhood party is always very popular as an opportunity to
with live music and good food
  ring in our beloved Schützenfest.
Since 1996 the Schützenzug has had a new chairman. With Andrè Müller at the young age of 29, André Müller was elected chairman.
In 1998, Peter Holthaus, our longstanding 1st chairman, was appointed honorary chairman.
There was another cut in the personnel department of the Management Board in 2000.
Three long-serving and reliable shooters left the board. Klaus Kamrath, with 28 years of service on the board as first cashier, has had a significant impact on the image and reputation of the train.
This year Klaus Kamrath, Dieter Fischer and Roland Ferger were made honorary members of our platoon.

Anno 2007, managed, own homepage in the World Wide Web.

In 2010 came the next generation change.
At the General Assembly on April 10th, large parts of the Board of Directors passed
replaced younger shooters from our ranks. Some of the old board will
the next few years, supporting the new crew.

The members of the Birkeshöh rifle squad are also active during the rifle festival free time. Under

Among other things, hikes, morning pints and various other events are organized with the other trains from Meinerzhagen.

©2022 Schützenzug Birkeshöh founded in 1972. Created with

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